Before the Mast

My Story

Welcome to my.. blog?.. I’m reluctant to dub it that but I suppose in this online world that is what this would be classified as. My qualms originate from the impression that this may seem like an attempt to claw back at some kind of online presence after turning away from Facebook and Instagram, culminating in an ironic end to my antipathy for online social media…. that is not what this is. This is my website, a nook in the online universe that belongs to me and that allows me to freely write a travel journal and dump some of the [terribly produced] photos and videos I take along the way.

Picture this, sitting around the fire surrounded by grand-kids asking why I don’t have Avatarbook or Instalife or whatever the equivalent platforms to our modern day social media programs are.. I’ll tell them that I was more attracted to the idea of being in control of my content and the sole owner to boot. So sit back kids, and lend me your ears.

There will be waffling, there will be bad photo angles and typos, but nothing is filtered or faked, nothing is being sold or flogged.. if you like the sound of that, have a look around. If not, well.. carry on scrolling through the internet, friend.

